The Use of Dr. Ourian’s Coolaser® to Treat Melasma

Melasma is an extremely common skin condition causing discoloration on the face. Using the Epione-exclusive Coolaser technique to treat this condition is growing in popularity.

Melasma is an extremely common skin condition causing discoloration on the face. Using the Epione-exclusive Coolaser technique to treat this condition is growing in popularity.

Predominantly women struggle with a skin condition known as melasma and many of those women developed the condition during pregnancy.

Melasma is sometimes referred to as chloasma or “the mask of pregnancy.” Melasma is hormonally triggered, so birth control pills and hormone therapy could also cause Melasma.

The side effects include acne scarring, pigmentation, sun spots, or wrinkles. Fortunately, Dr. Simon Ourian of Epione Beverly Hills has innovated a technology known as Coolaser®, which may be the right solution to treat melasma.

How Does the Coolaser® Procedure Work?

Epione Medical Corporation offers Coolaser® as a fresh and modish solution to treat melasma. The melasma-combatting technique often involves a combination of Blue Light Therapy and Coolaser® to treat the pesky pigmentation that is most often a product of pregnancy.

This FDA approved combination has treated over 300 patients’ melasma so far and has proven to have enduring results.

The technology has donned the name Coolaser® because during the procedure it cools the skin before using a CO2 laser that sends out intense beams of light in order to vaporize the pigmented skin cells.

Medical Director of Epione Medical Corporation and a notable cosmetic dermatology doctor, Dr. Simon Ourian, is known for working with celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Lady Gaga. He specifically utilizes a dual-modality laser to reduce or rid the patient entirely of melasma.

Coolaser® and Bluelight Skin Lightening on @SimonOurianMD1
Coolaser® and Bluelight Skin Lightening on @SimonOurianMD1

The procedure has to be conducted in three to four-week intervals, but each session doesn’t last longer than 15 minutes. With the dual-modality laser evaporating the damaged skin tissue, the result is rejuvenated skin that grows in its place.

The laser technique helps to reach the deep skin tissue, negating the need for multiple follow up visits, resulting in youthful, smooth looking skin that is long-lasting.

What Does the Healing Process Look Like?

Dr. Ourian is leading the charge in treating melasma with his revolutionary Coolaser® procedure. One of the technology’s major benefits is that its healing regime is simple.

In an interview with Coveteur, he said “I realized several years ago that most of the lasers available were either too strong, which requires a very long recovery time, or weren’t effective enough. So I decided to make my own.”

After the procedure, a patient may get irritation that looks and feels similar to a sunburn. As long as a patient avoids peeling or picking at the skin, and stays out of the sun, the skin should heal just fine.

Additionally, following the procedure, the patient should avoid hot water for two to three days and washing their face for 12 hours. When the healing sets in, a patient will see their new, dewy skin.

The positive and preserving results will continue to unfold four to six weeks after the procedure.

The End Result of Coolaser® Treatment

As Dr. Ourian puts it, “The success of our new melasma treatment is not only important to the medical community, but also to the millions of women who now have a chance to face the world with confidence.”

The end result usually leaves a patient with a satisfying experience, healthy-looking skin, and restored confidence.

Please visit for even more information on how to treat melasma and other potentially vexing skin conditions.

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