Keeping up while Moving: Does It Sound Possible?

Moving Forward in Thunder Bay
Moving forward in our world is something we all need to do

Boxes are packed, children are equipped, the route has been planned and discussed so everything seems to be set to go. Here  are some useful tips on how to keep up while moving. Here comes something that you’ve kept ignoring or putting to the very back of your thoughts: you yourself, tired as if you’ve just finished building the latest version of the Babylon Tower and yet preoccupied with ten thousand thoughts and worries about the forthcoming journey. Is it possible to survive the moving if you’re 100% sure to have thought everything through and planned for everybody?

… but yourself

You definitely don’t want to appear in the new place looking exhausted. In fact, that trip of yours might turn out to be a nice set of beauty treatments that you never had time for. Come think about it: there is some time ahead of you when you don’t need to worry about household chores, planning meals, organizing your children’s schedule. Use it wisely: treat yourself some goodies.

Water is your everything

So many times you’ve heard of it: Do not underestimate water! Moving is the perfect time to prove it right. Do not count on your digestion system to work properly under all this stress added to your lack of activity while traveling. Help your body with some water. Your skin will say thank you too. But do not overdo it. Too much water might cause swelling or frequent unplanned stops.

Proteins and veggies

Two more friends of yours. Help your body keep up a normal level of energy by eating good and healthy food. Then again, do not be boring, leave yourself some space for a nice treat, be that your most favourite ice cream or any other treat that you’ve been craving for. Relax. Treating yourself some delicacies is good for your mental health. It’s not only the body that you have to take care of. Plus, your kids will be happy to share your treat. Happy mum, happy family!

Stop and stretch

Let the lymph flow freely in your body. Use pit stops to walk and stretch. Some jumping won’t hurt either. Whatever activity you add to your relocation is always good. That is pretty much everything to be said about helping your body to keep up while moving: move! Let your body use its energy and stay in balance.

Beauty emergency

The main rule here is less makeup, more treatment. Shift this ratio towards skincare rather than foundation, powder, eyeliner, or mascara. Spray your skin with thermal or mineral water, do not hesitate to apply patches and take naps whenever possible. Using ice cubes or crushed ice is another beauty emergency that is not to be ignored if possible. Apply intensive moisturizer before and while traveling to avoid the destructive effect of the dehydrated cabin air. Last but not least, try to switch your lipstick (especially a long-lasting one) to a lip balm or gloss which looks and feels much more natural.

Beautiful hair for beautiful you

Nothing complicated for your hair during the trip of your dream. If there is no chance for a nice shower within the foreseeable future, dry shampoo is your first aid. Another option that you might consider is a headscarf. Set in one of the dozens of fashionable ways it will help you look nice and elegant during your journey.

Hands off!

The idea to be used not only through difficult times of pandemic but for many journeys ahead. Do not touch your face to minimize the risk of breakouts and keep all those bacteria away from your skin. Your hair will also be thankful if you touch it as little as possible. Instead, you’d rather sanitize your hands and apply your favourite hand lotion. Your hands need your care no less than any other parts of beautiful you while moving. If a fresh manicure is not to be expected any time soon, opt for nude or sheer nail polish that will give your nails fresh and crisp look for the whole time of relocation.

Has everything been taken care of?

Especially your most treasurable treasure, meaning you. Think about the things that make you happy: books to read for your children and some only for yourself, small games to be played fast and easy, music, nice and long conversations and cozy naps (did you remember to pack your traveling pillow?) Try to take it easy as much as you can and do you best to enjoy your trip.

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