‘Greatest defeats often follow greatest triumphs,’ says Lifestyle Influencer Mehdi Mobarakeh

'Greatest defeats often follow greatest triumphs,' says Lifestyle Influencer Mehdi Mobarakeh

Mehdi Mobarakeh, popularly known as Sheikh Mehdi, is a renowned lifestyle influencer who is charismatic with a massive following on social media. Sheikh Mehdi is an Iranian, born in Dezfool, on 9th September 1988.

His mantra in life is “greatest defeats are often followed by greatest triumphs” living by this mantra has helped Mehdi become a powerhouse. Mehdi Mobarakeh has a degree in civil engineering and also cartography experience.

During his early career, Mehdi worked with road and building construction while in Iran. Later on, he took a bold step and relocated to turkey, where he ventured into the real estate and import-export business.

Mehdi, who is persistent and believes in working hard and smart, soon expanded his businesses and set up offices in turkey and also the rest of Europe. He says that challenges will always be there; all we need to have is a strong will to overcome. The business mogul and influencer, although on a tight schedule, still manage to split his time between his business in Iran and Turkey, where he spends most of his time.

When it comes to Sheikh Mehdi’s personal life, he is a loving husband married to a beautiful and caring wife named Taraneh. The couple is blessed with two children. The lifestyle influencer takes pride in his career as he says it’s what motivates him. He is passionate about entrepreneurship and also lifestyle social influencing.

So how did he achieve all this success in a foreign land at such as young age one would ask? Mehdi says that through hard work and persistence, the sky is the limit. Mehdi, after successfully establishing his businesses, besides his busy schedule, always acknowledged the power of social media. He noted that if used appropriately, social media has a significant impact on people’s lives.

Sheikh Mehdi took the mantle of becoming a lifestyle influencer besides managing his businesses. He decided to share his daily lifestyle on Instagram to create both inspiration and motivation. With a massive following of 1 million on Instagram, he keeps his fans updated continuously by posting mostly his business content and also motivational and positive content.

Mehdi is also a fashionista, where he dresses in dapper suits and outfits. He always knows that image is everything. The lifestyle influencer has a big heart and still believes in giving back to the community. He feels obliged to share his success story and be a beacon of hope to those who are in despair. Mehdi’s empathy makes him feel indebted to giving back to society.

The lifestyle influencer and mogul states that he loves to inspire and motivate people to reach out for success and achieve their dreams. He maintains that it’s always refreshing to share experience and ideas with people from different walks of life, who want to reach out for their goals.

Sheikh Mehdi draws inspiration to many because he came from humble beginnings to a success story. In other words, he is practicing what he’s preaching.


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