Adapting His Approach as per the New Market Trends has Made Entrepreneur Waheed Al Marzooqi, UAE’s Most Important Security Expert

With avid market awareness and expertise in information security, Waheed Al Marzooqi has emerged as a top CEO in the field of cybersecurity

Waheed Al Marzooqi

Due to digitalization, top businesses all over the world have started dealing with financers and clients online. Majority goods and services are available on the internet, and this has also led to an increase in cyber-crimes. Many countries or companies have started hiring personnel who can safeguard them from the unknown hackers and system disrupting viruses. But the field of information security is dynamic, and new trends keep coming frequently like algorithms, news threats, codes, etc. To combat and safeguard the information, one needs an expert, who has exemplary knowledge, avid market awareness regarding the changes in the industry, and innate passion. One of these rare information experts is Waheed Al Marzooqi.

The 1989-born young CEO of Technical Support Company has crafted a niche for himself and has created an expertise in the field of information security and smart devices. Marzooqi is from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and he has served the country, to safeguard it from the exterior risks. In 2006, Marzooqi started dealing with cases of electronic extortion, and theft of electronic accounts, which majorly proliferate from outside the UAE. Marzooqi provided his expertise to many popular Arabs, including famous personalities and artists, to become a known name in cybersecurity among the Gulf countries.

Waheed Al Marzooqi keeps up with the newest trends and changes in the field to adapt his expertise accordingly. He keeps a keen eye on the hacking community around the globe, to be aware of potential threats to the country. Marzooqi also worked as a social counselor, where he provided his astute advice on social networking sites from 2015 untill now . Waheed Marzooqi then became the CEO of the Technical Support Company, which provides security to websites and electronic calculations. Marzooqi has obtained many certificates and awards for his staggering work in the field of information security and he wishes that the internet community, one day should be free from all the security lapses or electronic breaches.

Marzooqi also does humanitarian work and provides technical services free of charge, to the needy. He has written many newspaper articles on cybersecurity, and actively attended TV interviews regarding the same. Waheed Al Almarzooqi awareness and flexibility to update information and its practice have made him one of the most important security experts in the United Arab Emirates.

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