Election 360 – Week Nine – National Overview

Election 360

Election 360THUNDER BAY – ELECTION 360 – The ongoing and for many people “Endless Election” campaign continues.

This week’s Election 360 National Overview lets you see the ongoing stories that made the news across Canada.

Nanos Nightly Election Tracking Highlights (3-day tracking ending October 3rd)
Gap between Harper and Trudeau narrows on preferred PM tracking
  • Preferred Prime Minister – Although Harper still has an advantage, the gap between Harper and Trudeau is narrowing.  Asked who they would prefer as PM, 31.7% of Canadians preferred Harper, 29.4% preferred Trudeau, 22.7% preferred Mulcair, 4.6% preferred May, 2.4% preferred Duceppe and 9.2% were unsure.
  • Mulcair Brand – Of note, although Mulcair is third as preferred PM, he scores highest compared to any federal leader on the qualities of a good political leader measure which is an independent question for each leader (Mulcair 56.7%, Trudeau 54.1%, Harper 52.0%).  This suggests that Mulcair has good will as a party leader personally but is not as comparatively strong when Canadians think about who they prefer as PM.
The team at Nanos in conjunction with Klipfolio is pleased to launch our new live political data portal where you run the numbers you want and can explore the trends and data you need.  This is part of our campaign, not only to provide the most reliable data to Canadians but to let them use it as they wish. We were the first to do nightly tracking and now we are the first research organization to post live public opinion data for Canadians.


We were the first to do nightly tracking and now we are the first research organization to post live public opinion data for Canadians. Here’s the link to check it out
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